Question 50
Encrypt the Message “HELLO MY DEARZ” using Transposition Cipher with
Answer: (3) ELHL MDOY AZER Key | { | Plain Text 2 4 1 3 Cipher Text 1 2 3 4 |
Question 16 In a certain coding language. 'AEIOU' is written as 'TNHDZ'. Using the same coding language. 'BFJPV' wil...
In question encryption of given message using Transposition Cipher with Given message is “HELLO MY DEARZ”
Key - Plain Text -> 2 4 1 3
Key - Cipher Text ->1 2 3 4
Step-1: According to key size divide number of character into blocks. Here, key size is 4. So, character block size is 4.
Step-2: Remove the spaces in the given message and write characters in sequential order. Now arrange then in group of 4 as shown in below matrix.
Step-3: Sort column as per given Plain key as shown in below matrix.
Read the matrix horizontally one by one row.
Encrypted message will be ELHL MDOY AZER.
So, option (3) is correct.