The tail command, as the name refers that it display the last N
lines of given input content. By default, the value of N is 10 lines.
While no option is mentioned in command then it display last 10 lines of the file
~$ man tail (on Linux ubuntu 16.10)

~$ man tail (on Linux ubuntu 16.10)

~$cat testfile4 // display content of testfile4
~$ tail -5 testfile4 // displays last five lines of the content of the file
~$ awk 'END { print NR }' testfile4 // no of lines in testfile4
~$ tail -n +14 testfile4 // displays last 7 lines starting from the line No. 14
~$ tail -c -5 testfile4 // displays last five bytes of the file
~$ tail -c +100 testfile4 // displays last 23 bytes starting from the byte No. 100
~$tail -f testfile3 // display live content of testfile3 (logfile)
In case, if user want to see log content of log-file of some currently running process. For example, Android studio log file is generated and can be seen while App is debugging.
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